Corderum Connect

Visibility and governance for all your
public and private cloud applications

Optimize your cloud investment

Corderum Connect Catalog

Corderum Connect Catalog

Corderum Connect is a catalog that makes it easy to find, compare and organize   your cloud applications and workloads. Curate your existing accounts and subscriptions by application, department or role.  Provision both public and private cloud workloads from a single portal interface.

View subscription plan details,  contracts, true-up schedules, active license counts, and more.

Corderum Connect Catalog
Corderum Connect - Policy Management

Policies and permissions

Full control policy management for all your cloud applications.   Select primary and  secondary service providers based on enterprise agreements or security profiles.   Grant access and permissions by employee role.   Trigger workflow notifications for underutilized applications or workloads.

Adopt standards for cloud service providers!

Corderum Policy and Permissions Manager
Corderum Connect Catalog - Security

Security Matters

Fast growing enterprises need to adopt security policies within their organizations and with their business partners.   Every cloud service provider needs to be identified and evaluated against applicable security criteria.   Corderum Connect allows companies to build and enforce security profiles and filters as part of the provisioning process.

Corderum Connect Catalog - Private Cloud

Private cloud

Employees getting access to your private environments or applications should be as seamless as any public offering. The same provisioning and policy management tools are available once you add your workloads to your companies private catalog.

With Corderum Commerce  you can even provision, meter and bill departments or business units based on their actual cloud application consumption. Imagine getting one monthly statement showing all your cloud usage, including GL layer integration.

Learn More

Employee access to your private cloud workloads

Take control of all your subscriptions

Corderum Connect - Monitoring and Analytics

Usage and expense insights

Track usage, consumption and expense data by workload, vendor, department or billing entity. Know which applications, services and environments are getting the most use and which ones are underutilized. See what environments are on when they are not being used, and see what employees are not using the tools that are being provided. Identify abandoned subscriptions that your company is still being charged for.

Corderum's usage and expense monitoring, insights and analytics

Empower your employees with the tools they need

Corderum Connect - License Manager

Easy workload deployment

It has never been easier to enable your employees with the applications they need to be productive.  Corderum Connect makes provisioning super simple, efficiently assigning public and private cloud applications, services and environments to all your employees by role.

Easy workload deployment - license manager
Corderum Connect - provisioning and policy management

Simplified Onboarding

Achieve day 1 productivity from new employees.   Equip newly hired employees with a portfolio of applications, environments, and services tailored to their roles so that they can hit the ground running.

Corderum Connect lets managers customize a new employee workspace by pre-assigning applications, services, environments, and human resources all with a single sign on.

Simplified Onboarding
Corderum Connect - Provisioning and Policy Management

Empower your managers while making it easier on IT

Enable your team managers to quickly and easily assign applications for their direct reports and the teams they collaborate with. 

Corderum's provisioning, and policy management tools make it easy to assign the proper permissioned workloads in bulk at the role, project, or company levels.

Give your managers the control to assign applications.
Corderum Connect - Personalized Workspaces

Personalized experiences for every employee

Corderum Connect offers a personalized workspace with access to valuable resources. The Connect catalog improves employee platform adoption by enabling employees to request or provision new, emerging SaaS applications based on community feedback.

Security is never an
after thought

The Corderum platform is protected with the same multiple layer security we offer when creating new workloads. Tokens, audits, authentication, and compliance certificates.

Create new environments
in less than an hour

Corderum offers full service, self service and hybrid IAAS tools and support. We remove the complexity and barriers to help you choose the right environment to deploy.

Quick onboarding
and offboarding

Corderum enables your managers to quickly and easily provision all the cloud applications and environments using the Corderum Connect Catalog.