Control your enterprise cloud spend

Achieve visibility, governance and insights from your cloud subscriptions

Orchestrating the subscription economy

Orchestrating the subscription economy


Cloud has emerged as the preferred delivery and consumption model for service providers and global enterprises respectively. A successful digital transformation requires leveraging your investment in public and private cloud infrastructures across a multitude of service providers.

The Corderum platform delivers the visibility you need to identify and manage all your cloud subscriptions, service providers, and recurring expenses.

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Visibility into you subscription management
Orchestrating the subscription economy


Use the Corderum Connect policy manager to define policies for individual cloud applications and workloads.  Set access and permissions by employee role.  Select  preferred service providers based on your organizational needs.  Apply organizational security standards.

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Governance - Set subscription management policies
Orchestrating the subscription economy


Utilize reporting and analytics dashboards to monitor real time usage and expenses for all cloud workloads.   Use the Corderum Commerce platform to implement internal usage-based billing across P&Ls. Create the marketplace that allows IT to become a service provider.

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Usage monitoring and reporting for full insights
Orchestrating the subscription economy


Employees operate today in an on-demand, mobile workplace.  They need and expect access to applications on their first day of employment, as well as the freedom to work from an office, home or cafe.   Employees also want immediate access to emerging SaaS applications

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Empower your employees and make them more productive

Security Matters

The Corderum platform is protected with multiple layers of security, addressing access, devices, applications and data. We start with zero trust and rely on tokens, audits, authentication, and compliance certificates.

Create new IaaS environments
in less than an hour

Corderum offers full service, self service and hybrid IAAS tools and support. We remove the complexity and barriers to help you choose the right environment to deploy.

Rapid on-boarding
and off-boarding

Corderum enables your managers to quickly and easily provision all the cloud applications and environments using the Corderum Connect Catalog. You can also link de-activation to employee departures via SSO.

Using Corderum's Assement tools we discovered we have more than 80 instances of AWS and more than 240 application service providers.

Some person

Some company

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Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.

New York Times